UNESCO Kralj Hamad Bin Isa Al Khalifa nagrada za korištenje informacionih tehnologija u obrazovnom procesu je namijenjena pojedincima, institucijama i nevladinim organizacijama koje provode projekte i aktivnosti kojima se demonstrira najbolja praksa i kreativna upotreba informaciono-komunikacionih tehnologija (ICT) s ciljem poboljšanja učenja, predavanja i cjelokupnog obrazovnog učinka. Nagrada koja se dodjeljuje svake godine se sastoji iz diplome i novčanog fonda od US$50,000 koji se dijeli između dva dobitnika. Nagrada za 2011. godinu se dodjeljuje na temu „Obrazovanje mladih za stvaranje odgovornog globalnog digitalnog građanstva“. Ovom temom se naglašava pravo na obrazovanje i pristup kvalitetnom obrazovanju uz izgradnju globalnog humanog društva koje dijeli iste ideale i vrijednosti suživota, jednakosti, mira i tolerancije.

Uz nominaciju je potrebno dostaviti pisanu preporuku nadležnog tijela na engleskom ili francuskom jeziku, koja između ostalog treba da sadrži: (a) biografiju i postignuća kandidata (ne više od 200 riječi); (b) opis njegovog/njenog doprinosa ovogodišnjoj temi (ne više od 150 riječi); (c) sažetak ili rezultate rada, publikacije i druge prateće dokumente od značaja koji se dostavljaju na razmatranje (ne više od  1.000 riječi); (d) primjer/demonstraciju u bilo kojem formatu: štampani, digitalni, interaktivni, dostavljano putem CD-a ili preko web stranice. Potrebno je da Međunarodni žiri nagrade posjeduje što je moguće više relavantnih informacija o kandidatu.

Kandidature će biti razmatrane u odnosu prema sljedećim kriterijima:

(i)            trajanje projekta – najmanje jedna godina

(ii)           dokaz uspješnih politika/procedura koje promoviraju odgovarajuću upotrebu tehnologija

(iii)          primjere instrukcija/aktivnosti u učionici/vježbanki iz oblasti digitalne pismenosti i kompjuterske sigurnosti na nacionalnom nivou

(iv)         programe koji ohrabruju potpunu i sigurnu upotrebu digitalnih medija u školama

(v)          dobre prakse u programima obrazovanja o sigurnosti na internetu

(vi)         održivost date inicijative u smislu promocije odgovarajućeg globalnog digitalnog građanstva.

U prilogu se nalaze detaljne smjernice na engleskom jeziku.

Nominacije se dostavljaju najkasnije do 1.4.2012. godine na sljedeću adresu:

Ministarstvo civilnih poslova

Državna komisija za UNESCO

Trg BiH 1

71 000 Sarajevo

sa naznakom: za UNESCO Kralj Hamad Bin Isa Al Khalifa nagradu za upotrebu informacionih tehnologija u obrazovanju



*      Established in 2005, sponsored by the Government of the Kingdom of Bahrain

*      Consists of a sum of US$50,000 (a cheque and a diploma) to be equally divided between two prize winners


The Prize is awarded to individuals, institutions, other entities or non-governmental organizations for excellent models, best practice, and creative use of information and communication technologies (ICTs) to enhance learning, teaching and overall educational performance.

Presentation of candidatures and submission of nominations

Candidatures must be presented by the government of a Member State of UNESCO or an international non-governmental organization, maintaining formal consultative relations with UNESCO and active in the relevant fields covered by the Prize. Each government or international non-governmental organization is entitled to nominate only two candidates per year. A self-nomination cannot be considered.

Eligibility criteria

The Prize shall be awarded to individuals, institutions, other entities or non-governmental organizations in recognition for projects/activities demonstrating effective and innovative use of ICTs, which:

*      have a multiplier effect at local, national or regional level by reaching the greatest possible number of learners and raising the quality of teaching and learning;

*      result in the development of original teaching and learning materials/products which promote a learner-centred pedagogy and encourage collaboration and networking in an open and flexible environment;

*      mainstream the use of technologies in education and their seamless integration into the curriculum at all levels and across disciplines;

*      promote the development, adaptation, dissemination and reuse of open educational resources;

*      encourage research and development to facilitate accessibility of technologies for all, including marginalized, disadvantaged and vulnerable people;

*      address major digital and gender divide issues at local, national or regional level.

In addition, the criteria below shall be taken into consideration:

*      duration of projects/activities must be of at least a year to permit an assessment of results and proof of success;

*      contribution to local, national and/or regional education priorities and challenges;

*      innovation and openness of content and tools;

*      collaboration and networking potential;

*      leveragability of the project/activity by players in other regions;

*      evidence of sustainability for mid- to long-term application;

*      success/impact of the respective technology on transforming a particular aspect of education on a small or large scale;

*      the project/activity should be a first time nomination for a Prize of this kind.

Selection process

The two prizewinners shall be selected by the Director-General of UNESCO on the basis of the assessments and recommendations made to him by an international jury. The jury, appointed by the Director-General of UNESCO for a period of six years, shall consist of five independent members, of different nationalities and gender.


Applications are made by national governments or international non-governmental organizations, maintaining formal consultative relations with UNESCO, which are requested to consider the following steps:

*      widely inform all stakeholders involved in ICT-enhanced educational activities about the Prize (public/private educational institutions; local newspapers, radio and TV companies; private companies);

*      set up a selection committee or panel to screen the candidates;

*      select the most deserving candidates and work with them to prepare their files for submission to UNESCO.

Each nomination shall be accompanied by a written recommendation, which shall include, in English or French, inter alia:

(a) a description of the candidate’s background and achievements (no more than 200 words);

(b) a summary of the work or the results of the work; publications and other supporting documents of major importance submitted for consideration (no more than 1,000 words);

(c) a description of the candidate’s contribution to the Prize’s objectives (no more than 150 words);

(d) a sample/demonstration, when possible in printable format (demonstration material can also be audio/video, broadcast-based materials or a combination), digital, interactive, delivered through CDs or through a website.

Deadline for submission: 16 April 2012

Checklist for governments and international non-governmental organizations

Before sending your submission to UNESCO, please check that the following are included:

*      the written recommendation;

*      a letter of endorsement from the government or international non-governmental organization;

*      supplementary materials.


The nominations should be sent to the address below, which can be contacted for any further information:

Mariana Pãtru

Project Officer

Education Sector


7, place de Fontenoy,

F-75352 Paris 07 SP,


E-mail: m.patru@unesco.org

Phone: +33 1 45 68 08 07

Fax: +33 1 45 68 56 26/27